You can contribute to the Foundation’s work through your donation to :
SymptoTherm Foundation
Rue du Bourg 12, 1323 Romainmôtier, Switzerland
Bank: PostFinance (Suisse), Nordring 8, 3003 Berne
CCP: 17-123624-3, Clearing: 9000, BIC (=SWIFT code): POFICHBEXXX
IBAN: CH13 0900 0000 17 123624 3
Payment per Paypal
(You do not have a Paypal account ? Clic on Continue with paypal in order to pay with your crédit or débit card.)
SymptoTherm Foundation is an accredited public charity service. Gifts from the Kanton Waadt, individuals and businesses can be deducted up to 10% from their revenue or net earnings.
The Foundation extends their sincere thanks for all donations and will provide ongoing information to all donors on their activities.